Monday, 21 December 2020

Terror on Skull Island - The Trailer - A Pulp Action Game

Welcome to Skull Island located in the most remote part of the Pacific Ocean... island of dangerous flora...

...and even more dangerous fauna...

...swamps and quicksand...

...home of Evil Cults...

... and fearsome native warriors...

...and most importantly a land overflowing with great treasures!

Into this land only the bravest and some would say the foolhardiest would dare! In 1935 at the height of the exploration season three Expeditions and the Crew of the SS Titan ventured deep into Skull Island's impenetrable jungle to unlock its secrets and hopefully sneak a view of the most fearsome creature on the face of the Earth, the Mighty Kong!

Okay we're ready to play! Below are the characters who will risk all and go forth into Skull Island's hinterland.

Expedition Great Britain. Dotty Ol' Chaps!

Expedition USA. Cool Jazz Age Chicks!

The SS Titan's Crew. A Rowdy Bunch!

The Evil Nazi Expedition. Yep Everyone Hates These Guys!

Full Scenario and Character details will follow soon!

Oh and you may have noticed the picture of Skull Island is dotted with silver markers, there are 54 to be exact. During play on inspection of each marker by a character a playing card from a full deck, including the Jokers will be drawn which will be checked on a list to see what if anything may occur or be discovered! The events that the cards refer to will get progressively nastier the deeper into the jungle our intrepid adventurers advance ( this will be controlled by staggering deck, Hearts will be available first, then Diamonds, then Clubs and lastly Spades and Jokers)! To ensure total randomness of what will occur only half of the cards are actually linked to 'events'.


  1. Interesting cast of characters! Can't wait to read a thrilling tales of them adventures. :)

    1. Eugeniy thanks for checking out the Blog, this scenario promises to be fun!

  2. Sounds like fun times a head, for the readers that is not the characters, as most of them will most likely get eaten or something worse :)

    What rule system will you be using btw ?

    1. Cheers Frank, I’m expecting a high body count 😳!
      Rules will be my Pulp Version of FUBAR VSF ( no steam of course in this scenario!).

  3. All very interesting and looking forward to the game report.

    1. Cheers Pete, I’ll get the AAR up pretty smartly!

  4. This looks like so much fun!

    1. I hope so, I’ve put a bit of thought into the ‘event’ generation which will be heart of the game, unfortunately hard to play test scenarios like this.

  5. Looks fantastic! Will anyone make it out alive?

    1. Cheers Ben! I hope we’ll have at least couple of survivors 🤪!

  6. Looks like a fun ? Place to explore .......well wait and see who survives

    1. Hey Matt! Hope you’re doing okay over there in Ol’ Blighty!
      Skull Island looks to be a grand spot for a picnic and some afternoon relaxation 😂😁😂...

  7. Looking good Captain... looking forward to the adventure.
